2013届高三名校英语试题汇编专题12 名词性从句

2013届高三名校英语试题汇编第三期专题12 名词性从句1.【2013届山西太原五中高三12月考】31. Water, which seems to be so simple and common, is ______ makes life possible.     A. that           B. which         C. what              D. where【答案】C 【解析】what 引导表语从句且作makes的主语。句意:似乎很简单和普通的水是使生命可能产生的东西。此处what引导表语从句,并在表语从句中作主语。【考点定位】考查表语语从句的连接词2.【2013届甘肃兰州一中高三上学期期中】25.It matters little _______ they represent themselves as, but ______ matters muchis ______they achieve.   A. what, what, how            B. how, that, what   C. that, what, how             D. what, what, what3. 【2013届北京东城区高三11月考】26. He is quite strange, for everything he does is opposite to ______ is considered normal behavior.   A. whether        B. that         C. what              D. which【答案】C【解析】句意:他很奇怪,因为他做的一切与被认为的正常行为相反。此处to是介词,其后是宾语从句,what在宾语从句中作主语。【考点定位】考查宾语从句的连接词4.【2013届安徽示范高中上学期第一次联考】26.Is it fair that someone can download for free in seconds something          took a team of people months of hard work to create?A. what B.which C./ D.that【答案】D【解析】it 为形式主语,第一个空that为主语从句,第二空为定语从句,先行词为不定代词,因而用that。【考点定位】考查名词性从句以及定语从句。5. 【2013届安徽皖南八校12月联考】34.        Mo Yan had been awarded the 2012 Nobel prize for Literature made us very proud.A.As  B.That C.Which D.What6.【2013届河北省保定市八校12月联考】28. We’ve just heard a warning on the radio _______ a typhoon may be on its way.A. what B. when C. which D. that【答案】D【解析】句意:我们刚在收音机里听到警告,台风可能即将来临。注意前面的 warning“警告”,和后面的a typhoon may be on its way“台风可能即将来临”。这是warning的具体内容,用that引导一个同位语从句。【考点定位】考查同位语从句。7.【2013届甘肃兰州一中高三上学期期中】30. He asked me ________ the likely result of the matter will be.  A. that we think               B. what that we think   C. what we think              D. that what we think8.【2013届河北省保定市高三摸底】27._______annoys the parents is that children spend too much time getting online.      A.  That   B.  Which      C.  What                   D.  It【答案】C【解析】句意:烦扰父母们的是孩子们花费太多的时间上网。此处what在主语从句中作主语。故选C。【考点定位】考查主语从句的连接词9.【2013届辽宁省五校协作体高三联考】3. We are in a difficult position in____ we have nobody properly qualified for this work.

